Getting better every day IMO. 21st July 2020. No problems in the sun at all with this cultivar. I took extra close up photos so you can see how well the leaves are doing.
Further progress on my Seiryu with new growth 24th July 2020. Lots of Summer rain is really helping my maples.
The greens, hints of orange and yellow makes this cultivar stand out on the dark bark surface I have in my garden. No problems at all with 30° C plus either. Photo 5th August 2020.
August 6th 2020 and extreme heat is forecast over the next few days, so I thought I would post photos of my dissectums before and after to show how they cope. This I feel can be useful for people considering buying a particular variety.
Just wondering why the early changing colours of your A. seiryu would be a reason to worry. Are you worried about the health of the tree or perhaps worried that you're in for an early winter?
Was just an observation of overall color change, nothing worrisome. I'm in zone 9A, winter is usually far off.
Sorry @wind-borne, my question was to @Acerholic's comment #50 (see above). Living in Zone 9A, you certainly don't have to worry about hardiness. I have to say I was shocked to see photos of mature A. p. 'Seiryu' taken in 2011 (page 2) having had no idea just how large they can grow. I love mine so much, I'm seriously thinking now about taking out some very nice trees nearby and possibly the hedge. It may even become necessary to buy the neighbour's property if that's what it takes to allow my Seiryu enough space to grow. ;-)
@Margot, good morning Margot, thank goodness, I'm receiving messages. Regarding too early, this can sometimes give rather bad Autumn colours and the leaves just turn brown and drop, rather than give the brilliant show. I have also found in the past, that an early change in colours ie Summer, can weaken my trees for the following year.
13th August 2020 and the heatwave has now taken it's toll. New growth and old all suffering. But as promised I'm adding these photos to show how cultivars cope at different times of the year and in different conditions. Some definatly not pretty, so have not put them on the Cheering ourselves up with maples thread !!!! This is where they should be. My Seiryu is yet another reason why I think that the dissectums in my garden will take over the palmates and delicate reticulates, especially if this type of weather is going to be a constant in the future Summer months. Latest scientific studies suggest that it will.
Another favourite of mine! I tried my hand at grafting 4 years ago at Dick van der Maats and now have my own grafted Seiryu. People from all over Europe come to take the one day training, a lot of fun and had a bit of luck that 12 out of 12 grafts were succesful. I had a big Seiryu at my previous home but had to leave it behind. A strong grower and always great fall colour.
@MapleMO, that's going to light up your front garden in a few weeks M. Red's, yellows, oranges and greens. What a kaleidoscope of colours. This is such a favourite of mine, I never tire of seeing this cultivar. Such a shame you had to leave your old one behind, but this one will do well in that position in just a couple of years. Do post it in the Autum.
As if the samara were flying among the mid-August leaves. Afternoon bright shade and early morning after the fog lifted.
@wind-borne good afternoon G. Poetic and beautiful photos. I love them both, but photo 1 just hits the mark.
20th August 2020 and after days of rain after a heatwave, everything is picking up again. Severe storms coming tomorrow, so I hope I can batten down the hatches so to speak and protect my trees. Added my Seiryu today to show the difference a continent will make to colours etc. How much further along G @wind-borne tree is in comparison. Autumn looks like it will come earlier in Oregon.
25th August 2020, the calm before storm Francis arrives. The multi colours of my Seiryu are now coming to the fore. I do love my dissectums.
Well it's the last day of August 2020 and as we have had a lot of rain and cooler weather here in England over the past two weeks, all my maples are doing well for the time of year. Surprised at how many requests for this one. But if you are thinking of buying it in September, I can understand why !!
12th September 2020 and believe it or not, new growth is everywhere in my garden together with Autumn colours emerging. Temperatures of 31°C expected in a couple of days. My Seiryu is bucking the trend a little, some more Autumnal colours on this one now.
16th September 2020 and new growth is everywhere, due to this unseasonably warm weather. My Seiryu is one that is turning fast now, so along with new growth from others it is quite a contrast.
9th October 2020 and I wanted to show how Seiryu in my garden holds onto it's Summer colour longer than a lot of dissectums. This is a very delicate looking cultivar.
28th October 2020 and soooo much rain, so photo not my best, but wanted to show the colours in case they are gone by tomorrow.