Ryuzu: meaning "ornamental dragon's head" A green dwarf to about 2m. Typically 5 lobed, each lobe shaply pointed and toothed. The leaves emerge with a pink hue in the spring quickly changing to green, although there is often some pink or red tone present in the leaf. New summer gowth is often smaller in edged in red or partially red, but I have not seen this a great deal in this plant grown primary in the shade. This plant seems to be a very strong grower and while this one has remained pretty compact, I have seen other specimens of this cultivar suffer the effects of long intranodal spacing due to heavy nitrogen use. I think that more so than some dwarfs, nitrogen use should be kept at a minium. For the best red color in the summer, some sun would be ideal. A very choice plant! These photos taken in spring 2005, the most recent being the second week of April. This specimen has been grown in a container in moderate shade with an approximate age of 4 years, mabye a little older. MJH
Spring photos taken 4/21/06. A very slow growing dwarf, this plant is about 6-7 years old. It is most interesting in the spring when when the rose, alomost orange coloration, washes over the leaves.
Ryuzu is not one of those flashy neon cultivars. It's a subtle, gorgeous, beautifully- shaped and beautifully-colored tree. I love its restraint and the subdued pink and gold tints on its spring leaves. This photo was taken April 18, 2007.
I like this tree a lot. It reminds me of a cross between mikawa yastubusa and hupps dwarf. Amazingmaples, your tree looks much different than mine.
My "Ryuzu" is looking a little raggedy this spring. Not sure if it is happy. Anyway it has grown quite a bit. One thing I notice is that the internodes are not as close together as they were when it was younger. Don't know if that's what happens with age/