I have a Acer Palmatum Oragange Dream which is recently planted in the garden and has started to get brown tips on the leaves. This started on a few leaves then has started to spread. Does anyone know what might be causing this to happen. Advise and help appreciated as I would hate to loose this lovley plant.
Orange Dream does not handle sun, heat (direct or reflected) drought or hot wind very well. I think that covers it. A recently planted tree is likely not prepared to adequately move moisture to the leaves in a hot situation, expecially with a more sensitive variety like Orange Dream. It the soil dried out or if there is any salt build up in the soil due to its compostion or fertilizer, this can cause tip burn. It will most likely be a case of letting the tree settle in and acclimate. Very few maples look flawless the year they are planted. It if is not an afternoon shade or protected, you might consider moving it or providing some shade. GALT
Thank you for these suggestions. Here in the UK we have had sveral weeks of hot weather and winds that may have caused this. The acer is surrounded By bamboo and a twisted willow that does provide some shelter for it. I will keep watering it and hope that it recovers.
BUDDEND, I concurr with Galts suggestions. An additional possibility is that the tree was taken from a nice shaded greenhouse/location and exposed to direct sun. That can burn newly planted maples as well, even if they've been given ample water, etc. It should be ok, so long as it doesn't completely defoliate. Scion Swapper
i'm a newbie but could you possibly be over watering it? i had a bloodgood that started browning tips and was due to over watering...eventually it died from root rot