I understand from Vertrees that this upright plant is more often known in Europe as "Atropurpureum Novum" or "Roscoe Red." I happened upon this plant two years ago, and last year (2006) it wasn't outstanding. This year, however, it seemed to come into its own (it's a 3-year old tree, about 4 feet tall). It leafed out deep intense red and once the leaves unfurled, it showed a bright medium red color. As the spring progressed, the leaves became a bit lighter, with just a touch of orange. In the autumn, it's a brilliant red of an intensity that almost hurts one's eyes. I like Novum because it's a different red from most other acer palmatums. This photo was taken April 29, 2007, and the tree is in bright direct sunlight from late morning until mid-afternoon each day.
I would have to agree that the color of this cultivar is diferent than the other reds in my garden. I purchased the tree in 1995 under the name Rosco Red as mentioned above and in Vertrees. It is a nice addition to the garden. Ed
This one is on my wish list for this year. A.p. 'Yezo nishiki' is also a different red color. It will be interesting to compare the two. If you want a really unique color, try A.p. 'Edna Bergan'. Its a bronze with pink overlay - hard to describe, totally different, but definitely lovely. I got a lot of comments on that tree this summer. The fall color was also a bonus - screaming scarlet.
So how it is different? I've got one last red spot close to the house in Acer Alley and I've narrowed it to Oshio Beni, Novum/Roscoe Red, and Wetumpka Red. The spot is fairly shady. I'm hoping for color throughout the growing season. Any thoughts? PS. The photos you've already posted are very attractive!
Well, in my garden Novum is more of a brick red, but very vibrant. It's unusual and holds color long and well. It's a real star in my garden in both spring and fall. I'm not familiar with Oshio Beni, but I do have Wetumpka Red in a rather shady location in my garden, and it's not that exciting. Of the two, I'd definitely go with Novum. Mapledia
I just bought a Novum Red and am also looking at Wetumpka, which I will probably pick up in Spring. Just a guess, but I think your Wetumpka Red was not "exciting" because it prefers a lot more sunlight? Steve
Steve, I suspect you're right. I'm planning to move my Wetumpka Red to a sunnier location this winter to see if it performs better there. It's been disappointing so far, but location is everything. Mapledia