Good morning, I couldn't find a thread for this one so thought I'd start one, if I've missed it please feel free to combine them together. This is a fairly new one apparently, from Dick van der Maat in Holland that I received this morning, described by Mr Maple as a rockstar on their website, I quote "'Mila' leafs out in the spring as a bright pastel pink to red on leaves with an orange eye to the leaf. During the summer this cultivar shines with summer flushes of bright reds to deep maroons. Fall colors on Mila are bright oranges to red." with an upright dence habit, which all sounds good to me. The pictures are as mine came out of the box, so I suspect it's been in a poly tunnel for a while, so I hope it'll develop some more colour now it's getting natural light over the next few week, I'll update the thread as it does.
I know Luke has this one and he reccomended it to me some weeks ago. His was quite red at the time, but had been out in the sun. I see it is on the Hippo website as new to them, but they said they were impressed. You will have to keep us all updated on how your new Mila turns out N. No-one has started a thread on this, so yours is the first. I will be following it. D
Mmmmm interesting post this one. Have a tree just like this one but mines called 'Mika' a easy typo mistake when you look at the keyboard , think it should say 'Milo' because i cant find any info on the Mika here is the description on the ticket. The foliage of this new variety emerges each spring bright salmon -orange , but as it matures through the summer the leaves are a soft golden green, then the fall colours turn a bright orange again . A strong growing bushy upright shrub. Think they are one and the same a Milo. Few pics of mine see what you think, one in shade and one in sun. Seems to have lost it's early spring colours was very bright and orange , pretty looking tree though.
I'd love to have one. "Mila" is the name of a girl that was 17 at the time, she was harrassed on so-called "social" media for expressing her views not on people, but on religion. On top of that, she's a lesbian, and she recieved insults, death threats, rape threats, etc. There's a special, safe, loving place in my garden for "Mila", even if it's too crowded now. But I love maples. I also have values, des valeurs : Affaire Mila, cyber-harcèlement, misogynie, technologie, laïcité: vers une nouvelle culture de l'insulte?
Mr Maple had one for sale today, but I passed on it. I just don’t have the room unfortunately. It’s really stunning.
I find that when I pass on a maple, a few days later I wish I hadn't . Then I go back to see if it's still for sale and guess what, 'it's gone' !!!!
I was surprised that this did not have it's own thread, so here is my new Mila on the 15th April 2022 in sun and shade. I expect that N @D97x7 will add to the photos with his lovely tree.
Morning D, you got one brilliant, you're going to love it . There is a thread already though Acer palmatum 'Mila' Threads now merged.
@D97x7 of course it has , thanks for putting me right. I was too keen to post it. Only arrived yesterday... lol. Yours persuaded me to get and I'm glad I did.
That's totally understandable D, it is an exciting cultivar to own. Ah I'd started this one in the wrong place had I, my mistake I was probably excited as well, lol
Oh look what popped up on YouTube today Hope it's alright to share the link here, if not I'll delete it.
Tim Nichols is a member of this forum, so if he's OK with it then all OK. I'm sure he will let me know if he doesn't want it on here.
Looking very special N. I've now got mine in the shade, just hit 22°c in my garden. If it's not one thing it's..........Lol