Hi, how are you? The color of your Acer 'Kurabu yama' is spectacular. I have the same Acer in my garden but the color last Fall was rather disappointing. I was looking forward into something as closer to orange as yours. Maybe it needs more sum. Best regards, Joseph
Kurabu yama color I have a rather large Kurabu yama that is under my ancient White Oak. It gets direct sun late in the afternoon. It colors spectacularly in the fall, with a gorgeous burnt orange. It does not have any spring color as reported in many descriptions. In fact, I think the sheaths may be what is refered to for the spring color. It has a beautiful speading habit. Overall beautiful tree.
Here is mine, it has been in the ground a full year in this raised bed. It is planted between a clump of crepe myrtles that are 20' tall and bushy. In the pot it was quite vigorous, but has only grown slightly in ground so far, although you can see the leaves it's still holding and putting out even in december.