Acer Palmatum Krazy Krinkle - what to do with long shoots?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Atapi, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Atapi

    Atapi Well-Known Member

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    Northern Virginia
    I bought this 1 gal tree in 2013 and it was in the ground in Spring 2014. The tree is growing fine about 3ft tall and this year it sent out many long shoots (pic #1 taken last year in May and pic #2 is this year in late June). Please advise what do I need to do with these new shoots since they seem to be a bit too long/high from the overall tree. IIf I leave them alone, will the rest of the tree will evnetually grow to the same height?. Or should I prune it back, where to and when?.
    Many thanks, steven

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  2. patdero1

    patdero1 Active Member Maple Society

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    south east pennsylvania
    Your choice looks like new growth, it will fill in.
  3. Atapi

    Atapi Well-Known Member

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    Northern Virginia
    Thanks. It just looks a bit odd with six seven long stem each is sticking up or sideway over a foot long although they all have decent leaves at each node all the way. I will let it grow a bit more and see.
    Thanks again.
  4. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    Haha, I know where you're coming from. My Otome zakura did the same thing last year - sat dormant and didn't appear to grow at all for two years, and then in the span of two months, 5 branches grew a good 3-4 feet. In fall, I did cut them back by about a third to balance everything out a bit better (though the new growth wasn't leggy at all) on the recommendation of the nursery where I bought it. This year so far, it hasn't done anything again, lol. Don't suppose it will until fall - today was 105 *ugh*

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