According to Van Gelderen's book this selection comes from Japan, apparently from Mr. Kobayashi and was introduced around 1992. It is an upright slow growing plant. Leaves are reddish in the spring as shown in first pic, later becoming dark purple, almost blackish as shown in second pic (taken in June) and third pic (taken in August). In this I disagree with the description in Van Gelderen's book that talks of a 'dull green in the summer'. It is probably the cultivar with one of the darkest leaves. Plant spent first 2 years in a pot and is now in the ground, morning sun and afternoon shade. It was propagated by Dick van der Maat of Boskoop. Gomero
Thanks for that info Gomero. I'm entranced by the looks of 'Koriba' This is a tricky plant to locate in the US.
Sorry, I did not take any pictures past years and this year it has not changed colors yet. The book says orange-yellow. Gomero
Photo today. This is a one year graft from Diana, Topiary gardens. A plant deserving of cultivar status (IMHO).
Love this cultivar. No growth to speak of last year. This year about 1 foot of growth from each bud. The green vein is in handsome contrast to the muted leaf tones.
Hi PtB, I am glad you like it. I find it has strong 'male' personality in the garden ;-)). I am puzzled with the veins...., is your picture taken in the Spring?. My plant displays red veins in the Spring (the pic below was taken in April) but green in the summer Reading the thread again I notice the Fall pics were missing, here is one taken last Fall, not outstanding. Gomero
Gomero, That photo was taken yesterday. 'Koriba' is in a low to moderate light situation. I did not pot up in the last year. The veining is pronounced and the coloration and contrast is very lovely and not really expressed too well in my photo. Masculine presence yes I think so, Mine is a small plant so just beginning to develop character.
This is a beautiful tree, reminds me a little of Moonfire... I may have to see if Diana has any more of these, or can source one - might need to add it to the collection. :) How does it seem to handle heat and wind?
it's been a while. Koriba has grown fantastically. I have it sited on my deck. it is windy and bright there. it also made it through the last two very cold winters, exposed and containerized. I know its a tricky plant to locate. I could cut a decent bundle of scion weed off this plant for grafting. I think it is too late right now to graft but before i cut next year ill offer the wood if anyone (usa) is into it.