Well, seems this pic is 'Chiba', as it was labeled when received. Believe the photos of 'Kashima Yatsubusa' at this link are correct http://ganshuku.cool.ne.jp/23_2kashimayatsufusa.html . Two different trees ?
Hi Chimera, I am posting some pics of my 'Kashima' to help identification. The first pic is end March 2007, the second end March 2008 and the third end April 2008. In the Summer is a solid green, and in the Fall I do not remember. Propagated by D. van der Maat. Gomero
Hi Gomero, thanks for posting the photos. your trees leaves also seem predominantly 5 lobed as are those in my photo. Can only think 'Kashima' and 'Kashima Yatsubusa' may be different trees after looking at the site previously posted and here http://www.e-momiji.com/~e-momiji/index.htm . Click on 4 caricature link directly below "Nippon No Momiji" to go to photo index. 'Kashima Yatsufusa' is pictured on page 4 of the photo index, second row down, and second from right, can click on the photo for a few more pics. Didn't find any references to straight 'Kashima' on either of the sites. In the photos it seems 'Kashima Yatsubusa' has generally more than 5 leaf lobes. Then there is 'Chiba' and 'Chiba Yatsubusa' {photo index page 2, 1st in 3rd row down }. Sometimes more than a little confusing these maples. Both pics are May/08 of 'Chiba' , the red leaf margins most noticeable and longer lasting on leaves receiving the least sun. Tree gets late afternoon shade. Confusion abounds.
Chimera, In Yano's book 'Kashima yatsubusa' and 'Chiba yatsubusa' are synonyms. I checked Maillot’s website and he lists ‘Kashima’ and ‘Kashima yatsubusa’ as separate cultivars saying that the difference between the two is that the second is slightly more compact than the first. My guess is that they are completely undistinguishable and I will never buy a 'Kahima yatsubusa' already having a 'Kashima'. It is unfortunate all of those hundreds of reputedly 'new cultivars' from Japan that have recently appeared and which all they do is to add confusion and discredit to the trade. Gomero
Gomero, Yes, maybe I'll start more from seed. Believe the first link given is Mr. Yano's site. A wealth of information on the 2 sites if one understood Japanese, the English titles of the photos help a lot, and information may possibly be combined to help identify an unknown cultivar or possibly verification. Expecting there may be less confusion with the older Japanese introduced cultivars on the two websites. Chimera
This is a nice little plant for me. I bought it as a graft maybe 3 years ago and it is slowly starting to look like a little tree.
Hi, My Kashima is 11 years old now, thought you might enjoy seeing what it will look like down the road. Kay
Sad, but that makes me feel so much better... I've been bemoaning my lack of leafed out trees, but at least I don't have snow on the ground!
Kay, How pretty!!, I wish I had that over here; with all these maples leafed out it gets kind of boring ;o)) Otherwise here is my Kashima, grafted in 2006 by D. van der Maat. It is in a big pot in my terrace in full sun. Picture taken this March on the 23rd. Gomero
here is the same tree in august when its fall color is starting to come out. this will be last year with this beauty
This is brand new in my garden, just a 2- or 3-year-old. Seems kind of blah, but we'll see how it does in future years. The photo is an extreme close up... the leaves are teeny tiny.
I've been very happy with it this year, after two or three years of underwhelming growth and leaf color. It's new growth is gorgeous-- both in spring and in mid-summer. Photos are from May 2016 and August 2016.