Two pictures of my 'Beni Kawa' taken Fall 2006 and a few days ago. Tree is still rather small approx 30 inches tall - very nice coral bark in Winter. Swanny
On left is my 'Beni kawa' in its fall color. On the right is the 'Beni kawa' during the winter on a snow background.
We live in southern NH and love the look of "beni kawa"...wondering if "beni kawa" or "sango kaku" are really ok in our cold winter climate? Also, any advice about what to look for to determine healthy cultivar? Reading one of the forum discussions left me with the impression that not all cultivars are from knowledgable plantsmen?? Are there any nursery sites in northeast US that are recommended plantsmen for these two maples?
bjlarson, I can't answer your question about whether the coral barks would fair well in your area, but I would highly recommend checking out Topiary Gardens (out of Marcellus, NY). Diana (owner) knows a LOT and has some great trees at great prices; as she's in the same zone as you, she would be able to advise you if/what would work best.
I've had this one since a one year graft (2020 I think, maybe '19). This winter my rabbit friends decided to prune a lot of my young trees, this being one.
I hate when that happens! The rabbits only took the lower branches on this one. Others weren't so lucky.
There is a rather high percentage of small bought grafts that do this. So don't despair @Worldly_Wrangler, it happens to us all.