This is a picture of my "Aoba Jo" taken today, this tree leafs out first of all my 22 maples. Four feet tall and about as wide. Swanny
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" Fall color primarily a golden yellow with hint of orange and the occassional splash of red.
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" Our Aoba Jo gets very little fall color, but its spring color is a nice peachy bronze and it has great form.
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" This is a picture of my Aoba Jo leafing out taken on April 14, 2006. Swanny
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" A great cultivar. Mine is globe shaped for the present, but clearly it wants to branch out. This photo was taken April 2, 2007.
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" Aoba jo update Attached four photos from today and one from this Summer illustrating the leaf change on my little 'Aoba jo' - one of my favorite trees! Swanny
Re: Acer palmatum 'Aoba Jo" Most lovely!! I'll have to add this one to my "wish list"! :-) Thanks for sharing...
I find this tree to be interesting in that it grows like a dwarf but the leaves are larger than most dwarfs.
Wanted to add some pics here of my Aoba Jo. I bought it two years ago from Mendocino Maples and it came as a tiny 12" tree. It is now a smidge over 3 feet tall and wide so it grew pretty fast into it's stated full form. I'll be curious to see if it gets any bigger.
Well, mine sure has grown larger over time. I prune it like mad each winter to keep it from taking over my yard.
I don't really know how large it would eventually grow. However, mine is currently about 4' tall and shaped in a globe about 3' in diameter, maybe just a bit larger. This past winter I cut at least 18" off everything to prune it down to about 2-1/2' in diameter and did some major thinning. Mine is a robust grower, and I cut it back a lot each winter. I suspect by the end of summer it will again be about 5' in diameter and about 5' tall. It's in a special place where I introduce my front garden, and it's just taking over the place where it's situated. I think next year I might move it so it has more room and just do marginal pruning for a couple years to see how large it can go. So far it's pretty clear that mine can grow larger than what's written about this tree as having a 3' max.
That's good to know. Mine is in a location that can get bigger without any worries of it outgrowing its space so I will leave it alone with minimal pruning. I hope it gets a litter bigger actually. I'll update in a year or two with notes of size.
This one definitely seems like a fast grower: mine is still only small, but it's doubled in size over the last year.
I have heard it is a very prolific grower Xi. I will watch yours with interest, especially as you have it in a pot.
The established leaves aren't really anything to write home about, I think, but the new growth on this one is quite pretty:
I was offered this one the other day by a friend and declined due to room constraints, but seeing yours Xi, I might change my mind.
If you can squeeze it in somewhere, you should definitely reconsider - I would love to see your pictures if you get one!
Haha yes, I know that problem all too well! Funny how there's always 'room for just one more' somewhere, though...!