Acer negundo Sensation Fruitland Nursery, Fruitland, Idaho, July 2006. In Maples of the World, Van Gelderen notes next to this cultivar: J. Frank Schmidt & Sons (1980). Oregon. This is not the complete story. This cultivar was introduced by J.F. Schmidt in his 1993 catalog. However, the story of the discovery of this tree next to an old Idaho homestead by Warren Carnefix, and how he happened to have saved it for us to enjoy before it was lost to chemicals, is reproduced at J.F. Schmidts website: In the first photograph, the trees in the distance are five of the original fourteen trees propagated by Carnefix in 1980.
My young A. negundo 'Sensation', second year in the ground. It keeps its colors very well, and provides nice interest during the entire leaf bearing period