When looking through a local nursery, what do I come across, but 2 2.5" caliper B&B Acer mandschuricum. One tree is about 15'/5m, and the other 20'/6.5m in heights. Very upright trees that look like they are headed to much larger. Both look healthy. First thought is that it's mis-labeled, but the leaves are just emerging, and they are definitely trifloriate as would be expected. Expensive, but not any more than other trees of the caliper. Just wish I had a place to put one........... Anybody know where a mature specimen is, and how big they really get? Culture, etc?
Main attraction is the fall color. It likes full sun in my place. Adult size is given to 10-12 m. Very early leafer. Easy to grow. Gomero
Yes, the problem is spring frosts. Arktrees, if the one's you saw are not substantially more developed than other trees around, I would question whether it is really mandshuricum. Mine is just becoming established, putting on good growth this year, but I understand it is a fast grower once in place. Another highlight is the contrast of the reddish-bronze new leaves against the very light gray trunk. -E
Very beautiful tree. It does leaf out early, but ours does not seem much troubled by our late frosts. Also colors early in the fall, one of the first.
My favorite foliage all the trifoliates but tends to be a bit of a rangy grower if not well pruned. Took these new foliage shots yesterday.
Thanks for the input everyone. There is very little of what I feel to be reliable information available on the internet. As for the early leafout, I don't think the is reliable due to these being new arrivals from where I don't know. But the other trees that arrived at the same time have not leafed out at this time. I intend to keep and eye on them, to be sure, and will probable wait not matter what I do. Thanks again, Arktrees