Greetings, Any suggestions as to the most successful method for growing Acer circinatum, Vine Maple, from seed?
The seedlings are here - now what?! Well, thanks to Daniel's help I have about 15 Acer circinatum seedlings (with cotyledons and a set of leaves) growing in my cold frame. I would like to grow them in pots for a year (or two?) until I'm ready to transplant a few of them in my yard. Can anyone suggest a formula for a good mixture of container growing media? Should I use 2 gal pots or should I use a smaller pot and transplant when the seedlings are bigger? I should also mention I don't have a greenhouse and my coldframes are small ... would it be OK to leave these outside in the open or should I place them under the canopy of the tall Doug-firs in our yard? Michael