Acer campestre 'Silver Celebration'

Discussion in 'Maple Photo Gallery' started by emery, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Not as spectacular as 'Carnival' but takes sun better. It is more gray and less pink. Leaves on new wood are fringed with white, as the wood matures the amount of white increases. Both flowers and samaras are variegated.

    This cultivar was introduced by Karan Junker, from a seedling of 'Carnival'.

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  2. JT1

    JT1 Contributor 10 Years

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    Euclid, OH USA
    I like how this variety has a variegated look from a distance where Carnival always looks very white from a distance and you have to get close up to see its varigation.

    I find when planning a landscape its how a tree appears from a distance that can add to its overall appeal. The one that can add intrest from a distance can be much more interesting than those that cast a white washed out look, although sun exposure can amp up or tone down this effect, but its something to consider when choosing a varigated variety and its placement in the ladscape.

    From a distace going in a place of direct sun, Silver Celebration may offer more appeal than Carnival in a landscape setting in my humble opinion. Whereas Carnival may have a nice softer glow in a shady spot that is free from the suns glare.

    Thanks for sharing this great alternative to Carnival Emery!
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    You're welcome! I noticed there are quite a few missing campestre cultivars, trying to gradually fill them in...

    Although I grow 'Carnival' in full sun, I think in most places, certainly in the US, it really needs a lot of shade; so 'Silver Celebration' is as you say a great alternative for sun or partial sun. Also have noticed (and heard reported) Carnival reverting: I pinch a lot of plain leaves off mine each year. SC is an enthusiastic grower, will certainly be larger than Carnival (not necessarily a good thing in most gardens, but campestre takes pruning and shaping very well) and has shown no signs of reversion so far.


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