a very nice surprise

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by thewad88, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. thewad88

    thewad88 Active Member

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    i found a purple flower on my polka dot plant!!

    i never knew that this type of plant would flower. i've had it over a year now and this is the first flower i've found. i've attached some pics, past and present. im sorry for the quality of the flower, but i think that you will be able to get the jist of it from the pics.

    has anyone else had this plant flower for them?

    on a side not, does anybody know how i should shoot the flower to get a better picture of it??

    thanks and enjoy.

    Attached Files:

  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    i never knew they flowered - and purple to boot - very cool!!!

    what kind of lighting do you have it in - natural or artificial? if natural, what direction is the exposure? what is the air temp, soil type and watering schedule?? i've had them for years at a time and no flowers...want to try again duplicating whatever you're doing!!

    unless you have a macro setting on your camera, the best thing i find is to at least do the 'flower' setting (which isn't quite true macro) and take a decent/clear pic of the plant and then use software to zoom in on the bloom.
  3. JanR

    JanR Active Member

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    Lakeland, Manitoba
    You must be giving the plant conditions that it really likes.:)

    To take close up photos, you really need either a macro setting on your camera or a macro lens. You could try taking the photo from a little further away at the highest resolution possible and then try cropping the photo and see if it's any better.
  4. thewad88

    thewad88 Active Member

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    joclyn, i hope this info will help you. the plant is in a north western window and it only gets natural light. the air temp has been a little on the cold side as the heaters in the room do not work very well. if i had to put a degree on it i would say below 70. in the winter i water about every 3 weeks, give or take a few days.

    i was going to cut the larger stems off because they began to get leggy, but the leggy stems are what is flowering. the smaller stems have yet to produce any buds so i'm thinking that only the mature stems will flower. the soil is just regular dirt taken from a cemetery that had a huge pile. the stems are about 12 inches in length that are flowering. again i hope this helps sum. im going to try and get some better pics up in the next few days.
  5. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    oh, yes, that does help!

    i have an absolutely identical spot as you (nw and a bit chilly) so i should be able to duplicate things and get some blooms! cool!!

    sorry rusty (my cat), you're going to have to give up your window, lol!!
  6. MrsGreenthumbs

    MrsGreenthumbs Active Member

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    Toronto, Ontario Canada
    I had mine flower too! The flowers were so tiny and cute I almost did not see them. I keep mine in my bedroom window which gets filtered sun from 11 to 2 in the afternoon.
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Two things to try, which may or may not work:
    1 - If your camera has a zoom, stand away and zoom in on probably the leaf next to the flower, to get something large enough to fill the centre, where the camera is getting the focal distance.

    2 - Have an accomplice hold a piece of paper behind the flower right up to the flower, so the camera will take the focal distance from that piece of paper, instead of focusing on the screen behind it. After you push the shutter half-way and it sets the focal distance, your friend can remove the piece of paper if you don't want it in the photo, and then you click the shutter the rest of the way. The paper should be a similar colour to the background.

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