I Googled this today, and found a few potential sources (Art Knapp's in Surrey, and Garden Works in Burnaby) but I haven't found any plants yet. If this is a seasonal item, does anyone know what season they tend to show up? There seems to be different opinions on whether to leave this outdoors in our mild winter (New Westminster) - I typically put a leaf-mulch under fruit trees in the winter but I've never wrapped a tree in Christmas lights (and we use LED anyway, which don't generate heat). It looks like we are on the cusp for these plants being left outside. It seems like a container is going to limit size and lemon production, but the great outdoors could kill the plant. Any thoughts, suggestions, or places to buy the actual plants would be appreciated. David.
Not Vancouver, but I did see one at Wights Nursery in Lynnwood, WA. Not sure if it is the variety you want, but if you are willing to drive, give them a call.
This variety shows up in stores sporadically throughout the year. There were a number of them last month at Southlands Nursery. Smaller sized ones are currently available at David Hunter in Vancouver.
Analogdog and Junglekeeper, Thanks for the reply. I am not really willing to cross the border to get plants (a bit too much of a drive for $100 worth of plants, and then any hassle at the border). I called David Hunter (both locations, Surrey and Vancouver). The Vancouver store does have them, at approx $40 each... David