Hm... that's all I have in my fridge now: -milk, cheese, butter, eggs, etc. ... but I don't think no. 15 is from the Bovidae family (Bos taurus domesticus), or from the Phasianinae family (Gallus gallus domesticus)... :))) -salad mix (Lactuca sativa var. capitata (Asteraceae), Allium cepa (Alliaceae), Daucus carota var. sativus (Apiaceae), Zea mays (Poaceae), etc. ...) + salad dressing (Olea europea (Oleaceae), Allium sativum (Alliaceae), Piper nigrum (Piperaceae), Thymus vulgaris (Thymeleaceae), Petroselinum crispum (Apiaceae), etc. ...) 15. FABACEAE??? :)))
No, it's not a legume. Check the arrangement of the florets! I forget that not everybody cooks the way I do; personally I currently have #15 in my fridge because I dug some up out of my garden the other day. Think of it less as a staple crop, and more as an aromatic herb (fresh use) or spice (dried use). Probably I should have said it was in your spice cupboard, since Europeans tend to use the dry form rather than the fresh. Definitely not in the Phasianinae. But goes well with them.... And, for convenience since this thread has run to two pages, here is a key of what's been id'd so far, along with the three outstanding flowers highlighted in a lovely lime green...
15. Is it Zingiber officinale, ginger? Do hope it is, I use fresh root ginger regularly in my cooking, and love it.
WOW! So it's a Zingiber... hm... yes, "very common"... especially in my area... and in my fridge... muhahaha... :)))
The zingiberacea are really variable in their flowering habit.... That's part of why I included one. Muahaha! (That, and not many people have ever seen the whole plant of Z. oficianalis, let alone the flowers...)
Wow is that ever cool. But that's not #18, sorry to say (although it could be; I've never sat and watched one long enough to see if they do that eventually.....)
Hokie smokie, folkies. You missed two, and here are the complete answers (including the super-duper-bonus answers) For the record, #2 was Shlumbergera spp, and #18 was Tillansia spp.