Hey guys I'm wondering if you could help me out with some (more) of my plants... The first one I just bought a few minutes ago, and I have NOOO idea what it is. Never seen anything like it before. Its leaves are all curled up into balls, really neat looking. Can anyone help me out? Number two is another strange succulent plant that I've had for a long time. This thing seems indestructible, it's always spreading further and further and its branches often grow roots before even falling off the mother plant. Any clue on a name? Finally number three, I know this is a cycad... I've been told its a Queen Sago, but I'm not sure... any help? Thanks so much!
the first one is the 'hindu rope' plant. it's latin name is hoya compacta. the variegated one has really, really nice flowers that are very fragrant. it will probably be a while before it flowers, though. it's definitely worth the wait, i can assure you!! very well-draining soil - i use orchid mix for my hoya - in a small pot (they like being rootbound and flower better if they are). water thoroughly when you do, just not all that often (every couple of weeks). moderate light and keep it fairly warm (not under 55). the second is probably some type of crassula; can't help with the palm.
I really appreciate your help! I'm so excited about the hoya... do you think cactus soil will drain well enough? Also I've been doing my best at researching... and I've come up with sedum morganianum for the succulent? Does that make much sense? Anyways you've solved the major mystery and I'm really thankful :).
.... the bartender says, "Plant yourselves anywhere, girls, I'll get you a drink." I'll agree with Sedum for plant number 2, and Cycas revoluta for number 3.
yeah, i LOVED the thread title too...forgot to mention that earlier!! and lorax, great comeback!!! i really love the sense of humor people here have!!! pwk, the hoya compacta will be okay in cactus soil - i'd mix in lots of perlite to provide more 'airyness' and drainage to it. jenny, it's a pretty common variety and you should be able to find it easily enough. i've seen the regular green type often - and have passed it by because the leaf form doesn't thrill me all that much (even though i am addicted to hoya). i never knew, until about 6 months ago) that there was a variegated type. i also didn't know that the flowers were so phenomenal...of course, now that i'm looking for it, i haven't seen it!!
Thanks Joclyn. There is a great little nursery up the road from me that carries some pretty good plants. Im going to go see if they have any. They are really good for ordering stuff in too! Hopefully I will have one soon!
If you use cactus soil (I wouldnt but you could I guess) add A LOT of perlite. Hoyas like to have some air around their roots. I grow all of mine in a mix of orchid mix, pro-mix, and perlite.