A few questions

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by Quick Karl, May 16, 2009.

  1. Quick Karl

    Quick Karl Member

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    Scottsdale, AZ
    I have 2 Dwarf Navels growing in containers in Scottsdale AZ. The Navels are in 24 containers and are roughly 36. I am careful not to overwater and make sure the soil is dry at least 3 before applying water.

    The older Navel is doing well except that a few leaves are looking a little bronzish. Ive looked with a magnifying glass and can see no critters on top or bottom of the leaves. The bronze starts in the middle of the leaf and progresses outward.

    The younger Navel is having a hard time. Just after re-potting about 1-month ago the entire top of the tree wilted over, as if the branches lost their structural integrity. I had to wire the tree upright. This tree was attacked viciously by swallowtail butterfly vermin last year. I sprayed and killed the creeps and for a while the tree looked like it was recovering but has never come back to full vigor. It bloomed twice this year, something I have never seen. Just after re-potting it put out quite a few new blooms. This was well after the typical bloom that both trees have exhibited. I used Lilly Miller B1 Plant Starter since re-potting (2 tablespoons per gallon).

    I can find no scale, mold, or critters

    Ive fertilized with MiracleGro about once a month watering is usually once a week unless its over 100-degrees, then maybe twice a week depending on container size.
  2. Laaz

    Laaz Active Member 10 Years

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    Charleston z9a SC
    The bronzing leaves could be just old leaves ready to drop, or could be sunburn. In AZ I would put the plants in part shade to get them going. The intense sun and heat of the AZ desert can be hell on small citrus trees.
    Last edited: May 24, 2009

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