7 October 2016 Nixtamalization 7 October 2016 Nixtamalization A liter of my Indian corn was nixtamalized for about 48 hours. The corn was washed bought to a gentle boil for 30 minutes then mixed with several tablespoons of calcium hydroxide and left to soak. After 24 hours it was placed on low heat to simmer for about an hour, then allowed to soak for at least 24 hours. The soaking time is flexible. The purpose is to end up with a soft corn where the skins slough off and the center is a bit soft- meaning well soaked with the calcium hydroxide. After soaking the corn is rinsed many times stirring or rubbing between the hands, to remove as much outer skin as possible, basically one wants a kernel with no skin but many will not be removed, which is acceptable. After many through rinsings the corn is ready for using. Tortillas is one use. Simple to make the dough in a home blender with the addition of some corn flour. I dry the corn and use it as an ingredient for making gruel,a breakfast cereal, after blending into small pieces. The dried conditioned corn keeps similar to packaged cereal.