6 October 2019 Garlic Bed Posted on October 6, 2019 by Durgan 6 October 2019 Garlic Bed 6 October 2019 Garlic Bed Preparation for planting garlic for 2019/2020 season on about 20 October. The selected area was rototilled, mulch wood chips will be applied after the cloves are planted.Garlic is planted in the Fall in zone 5.
9 October 2019 Garlic Bed Compost added to the bed. Four rows marked. Two for consumption one row for bulbils. to make rounds, one row for rounds to make cloves for next year.Must go and get some wood chips with the van. Each row produces 50 mature bulbs
Adding wood chip mulch 10 October 2019 Garlic Bed http://durgan.org/2019/October%202019/10%20October%202019%20Garlic%20Bed/HTML/ 10 October 2019 Garlic Bed Wood chip mulch is added to the garlic bed. The mulch protects the garlic from winter weather. Mulch is purchased for ten dollars a yard, which is transported in my van using a half cubic yard box. The garlic will be planted later this month.I have about 100 cloves to plant,a few rounds, and 100 bulbils. In the Spring the garlic plant has no difficulty growing through the mulch.
Planting bulbils and cloves for seed. 11 October 2019 Garlic 11 October 2019 Garlic Two rows of seed garlic was planted. The left row is bulbils and the next row row is cloves for next years crop.The last two rows about 50 cloves in each row is for the main 2020 crop to be planted later this month.
Garlic planted for 2019/2020 season. 12 October2019 Garlic Season’s garlic, about 100 bulbils, 100 mains stock cloves, about 50 bulbs for seed next year, and about ten rounds all that were available. Garlic grows well in my Zone 5. Nothing attacks the crop.