35+ year old Jade in need of help!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by kris10, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. kris10

    kris10 New Member

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    Grass Lake
    I was given a Jade approx 35 years old. I believe it is sick. Some branches are wilting and rotting. Some leaves have brown or black spots. There are almost invisable spider webs and shiny, dusty white stuff on some branches. I had a 16 year old jade that had the same issues. I treated it for 3 years until there was nothing left to treat. I failed once before and pray it doesn't happen again with this plant. I don't know where to start. I know it is way past due for a transplant but afraid to put it through more shock. It is winter, we live in MI, it was just moved twice in two months from three different homes. Should I wait? What should I treat with? Please help me save this beautiful plant. I have tried to include pictures. The current pot is supporting some main limbs and I worry when I move to a new pot I will need to support with something else. Also, there are a couple zip ties that previous owner had on plant that I think I should cut off since the truck is starting to grow into the zip tie.

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  2. Ludwig Ammer

    Ludwig Ammer Member

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    Traunstein Bavaria
    First problem are spider mites.
    The second problem comes through the their puncture: bacterial rot.
    Since you can´t easily fight the second problem, you have to eliminate spider mites with an acarizide now in winter, because your indoor climate promotes them.
    Best use the agent Permethrin, because it is a natural k.o. insecticide and acaricide from chrysanthemum acid. Warm-blooded creatures generally have not so much problems with it, but cats show great nervous issues. For humans it might be carcinogenic, when you have too much contact and eat or drink it.
    So take care and cure your nice Crassula in the well-aerated garage or bathroom with Permethrin and place it shady then for two weeks at least. Maybe you have to do this again six weeks later.
    And you have to watch all other plants in your house to eliminate all spider mites.
    All the best.
  3. kris10

    kris10 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Grass Lake
    Thank you for the advice! The jade is currently in a room without any other plants. I have a couple healthy aloe plants in the other end of the house. I don't see any spider mites but I suspect they are the problem from many things I have read.
  4. Ludwig Ammer

    Ludwig Ammer Member

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    Traunstein Bavaria
    No, sorry, it must be the whitefly, mealybugs...
    But each of these sucking pest can be treated with Permethrin.

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