First one is located outside the garden entrance in the planters. Second one up next to the alpine plant area, curly spiral leaves. Third one in the same area as the curly leaf plant, beautiful red cactus. I think there was a tag with it but I didn't want to reach in and disturb anything.
Phormium Probably Allium Maybe Rebutia, but cactus genera seem to have been changed a lot in recent years
I think the last one is Echinopsis huascha-Argentine Hedgehog-Red Torch Cactus. I have with name so probably it had a tag, I checked images and decided it is correct.
Rob! I just photographed the label. To me all flowers like this just cactus or puntia. I don't know differences.
It did have a label but it was twisted around, and I didn't want to reach in there and move it in case I disturbed something. Thanks everyone for your IDs! Still really curious about what that spiral leaved plant is.
Although the leaves are kind of far along for flower heads to not be showing I suppose the Allium(?) may yet flower this year and make it more clear what it is.
I asked the curator of the Alpine Garden, Brent Hine: Cyrtanthus smithiae for the curly-leaved plants.