3 July 2018 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) Posted on July 3, 2018 by Durgan 3 July 2018 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)3 July 2018 Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) Elderberry bushes are in bloom. Berries won’t be ready until about 10 September. Usually they dry up or the birds get all, but some years they are perfect. The flowers are all on the same plane. There are many white flowering plants. I usually mark when they are in bloom, since they are difficult to see when the berries are produced. It is mentioned that they are healthy, but I have consumed juice in quantity and noticed no benefits.
That’s elderberry all right but as to which one the colour of the fruit black deep purple or deep purplish red is a better indicator of the exact type people all across Canada are once again discovering the benefits of elderberries the Uk. Is even studying the effect on patients with COVID.
One year sixty pounds were collected. I drank the juice and never got any effect. When ripe in early September the berries are almost black. Production is weather dependent. Drought can damage severely. Now I collect grown Concord grape juice, since elderberry wild production is unreliable.
I’m not sure what you are looking for as far as effects go but when I have had pneumonia, coughing up infectious matter the size and thickness of my thumb I would take an ounce or two every 4 hours to keep my airways open it probably saved my life