27 March 2016 Chayote Squash Sprouting http://durgan.org/2016/March%202016/27%20March%202016%20Chayote%20Squash%20Sprouting/HTML/ 27 March 2016 Chayote Squash Sprouting Three chayote squash were placed in a warm spot in light and allowed to sprout. It took about three weeks before sprouts appeared. They will be allowed to get larger then will be placed in soil in pots until the weather warms and they can be placed in the outdoor garden. This will be about 1 June in my Zone 5.
I have grown luffa successfully some years and chayote is similar as to the growing time required, so am experimenting. If the Summer is hot there may be a chance of having a harvest.
Just read somewhere that they bloom very late in the summer, at the begging of September, and the fruit needs a month to mature. Is it so?