26 July 2007 Papaver Somniferum Flowers

Discussion in 'Photography and Art' started by Durgan, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    26 July 2007 Papaver Somniferum Flowers

    http://chaeh.notlong.com/ 26 July 2007 Papaver Somniferum Flower pictures with Description.

    These poppies were first grown in 2005 and I only had four types. This year several more types were planted and pictures were taken and the plants marked for seed collection. It appears naming conventions are most obscure, so I decided on a simple descriptive method, which is indicated on the photographs. Flowers last only one day, but one stalk has many flowers so new ones appear daily, and their beauty is unsurpassed.

    Apparently bulk food poppy seeds are of the Papaver Somniferum variety. I will plant some next year for variations. Since I have become familar with these poppies, I have seen them growing in many different locations. The vegetation is a ideal identifier, since all the Papaver Somniferum have identical vegetation. After the flower head disappears it is impossible to determine the flower type.

  2. AshleyVictoria

    AshleyVictoria Member

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    Pacific Northwest
    Very nice pictures. I have yet to find a flower that looks cooler than a Papaver Somniferum. And the seedpods look great dried in a vase.

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