20220430 - Olympia - Mushroom Festival - Apr 30 2022

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Some updated info:

    " We are proud to announce our
    Spring Mushroom Festival presenters:

    Morels 101
    Katie Thompson
    Wondering how to dive into the elusive world of morels? This presentation will cover how to tell apart true morels from false morels and where to get started on your quest to find some.

    Spring Mushrooms of the South Sound
    Luca Hickey @species.i.see
    Curious about all the mushrooms you see popping up along trail sides and in your neighborhood? This presentation will cover the identification, ecology, and evolutionary relationships of some of our most iconic springtime fungi.

    Community Science: How to Document Fungi
    Jack Johnson @jackjohnsonn
    Want to document fungi in ways that contribute to science, engage your community and progress your understanding of mycology? This presentation will cover the introductory steps to photographing, collecting and sharing your fungal finds on iNaturalist.org.
    Spring Mushroom Festival
    9:30 AM - Festival Opens
    10:00 AM - Lecture A: Morels 101 with Katie Thompson
    10:30 AM - Cooking Class: Breakfast/Brunch with Chef Graham Steinruck (Paid event)
    11:00 AM - Lecture B: Spring Mushrooms of the South Sound with Luca Hickey
    12:00 PM - Lecture C: Community Science - How to Document Fungi with Jack Johnson
    12:30 PM - Cooking Class: Lunch with Chef Graham Steinruck (Paid event)
    1:00 PM - Lecture A: : Morels 101 with Katie Thompson
    2:00 PM - Lecture B: Spring Mushrooms of the South Sound with Luca Hickey
    2:30 PM - Cooking Class: Hors d'oeuvres with Chef Graham Steinruck (Paid event)
    3:00 PM - Lecture C: Community Science - How to Document Fungi with Jack Johnson
    4:00 PM - Festival Ends

    Ongoing events:
    Mushroom Identification Station: with chief mycologist, Lauren RĂ© @discomycete
    Bring in any mushrooms you've found. We will ID them and display them for everyone to enjoy!
    Kid Zone: Fun mushroom themed arts and crafts for kids!
    Vender Area: All kinds of mycological treasures! Grow kits, arts and crafts, dye from mushrooms, and more!

    April 30, 2022
    Capital Vision Church
    1775 Yew Ave NE
    Olympia WA, 98506

    Free General Admission. Free Parking.
    Purchase tickets for the cooking classes at SouthSoundMushroomClub.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2022

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