Thanks for the Redwood pics Winter! I love that tree! OK, just a few more leaves and I'm done for this year. Promise! I do have a new tree A.p. 'Hiyuhga yama' that has red leaves with green at the edges - very unique. My top pic for this week is 'Olsen's Frosted Strawberry' . It was stormy today, so the flash went off when I took the pic, but the color on this tree is unlike anything else. Truly strawberry pink/red! Enjoy!! (file names are titles)
Hi K4, Your Hiyuhgu yama is really stunning. The yellowish green edge red leave really makes it unique; it’s just like the counterpart of Tsuma gaki or Tsuma beni. Could you please tell me where I can get one of this? Thanks, Joe
The latest showing leaves, today 21/4: palmatum: Red pygmy (new graft from DVM, shade) Mirte (established, partial sun) Nicholsonii (2nd year, good plant from Maillot, afternoon sun) Saoshika (2nd year, full sun) Utsu semi (new fine looking plant from Esveld, will be in good shade but still sun for now) some native sycamores, but not those in my actual garden platanoides drummondii (full sun, large established), Crimson King (full sun established) truncatum (established, full sun, just getting going) pictum Akikaze nishiki (established, part sun) pictum Hoshi yadori (established, part shade) pictum Usugumo (established, heavier shade) triflorum (2nd year, FS, full sun) rufinerve Albolimbatum (2 established in part shade) rufinerve (established, full sun) longipes ssp longipes (est, full sun) capillipes Golden increase (new small graft from Holland, full sun) pseudoplatanus Prince Camille de Rohan (established, full sun) cappidocicum ssp tricaudatum (new plant from Holland, full sun) pectinatum Sirene (established, full sun) negundo Flamingo (planted last spring, partial sun) I think thats it. Hard to keep up with this! :) -E
Finally, spring is springing... Photos: Aratama, Orangeola, Villa Taranto, Koto no ito komachi, Ozakazuki Aureum, Oki kasame, Shin deshojo, Orange Dream, Tsukushigata, Otto's Dissectum, Shishigashira, Katsura, a volunteer, and Peaches and Cream.
Yeeehaa!!! Winter, you finally made it out of the Arctic Funk!! Congrats! Things are lookin' good... :-)
Thanks, I'm very happy. I want to give a big thanks to all of you that posted lovely photos this Spring. I can't tell you how many times I looked at them and felt encouraged.
Here's the report from Normandie on the 25/4/09. The pace continues fast and furious. Only a few maples without any leaves, and most trees are out. Weather continues very dry and sunny, but cold at night so that development has been limited on some plants. I am losing a fine Eddisbury (larger half with sudden spring wilt). One of the 2 pentaphyllum apparently froze and is now growing emergency buds. Funny that only one froze as the pots were side by side... I met a nice man from Kyoto today, who gave me a beautiful calendar. Makes me sadder to have missed the Japan trip, but c'est la vie I guess. Observed newly in leaf today (all in ground): palmatums: unknown yatsuba (2nd year, partial shade) linearlobum (new from DVM, partial shade) Pink Filigree (standard from esveld, 2nd year full sun, good plant) Koshi mino (2nd year, heavy shade) I think all the palmatums are now in leaf. pseudoplatanus Esk Sunset (small, moved to more sun this year, seems healthy) species pseudoplatanus in the garden, many flowers, as there area several erythrocarpum it should be a good show. cappidocicum ssp sinicum (filled with flowers, but serious bark problems for this tree, part sun but too much wind). cappidocicum Aureum (large established, full sun; also a small sucker I've nursed along, now planted separately). tutcherii (established, partial shade) circinatum WB Hoyt (new, partial sun, amazing canary yellow) carpinifolium (est large tree full sun) x conspicuum Phoenix (2nd year, full sun) platanoides Maculatum (2, the one in full sun has tons of flowers. I doubt these are true to name) hedreichii ssp trautvetterii (established full sun) erianthum (2nd year, healthy, flowers this year! full sun) platanoides species (a rejected graft, the root stock was very attractive. Trouble free!) discolor (fine established seed grown, full sun) micranthum candelabrum (2nd year, healthy, partial shade. Flowers) pectinatum Alice (est, shade, a couple of flowers here too!) cissifolium (est full sun) opalus ssp opalus (new tree from bare root, looks good, full sun). pseudosiboldianum (est seedling, excellent plant from same source as discolor, full sun) saccharinum spp (sheltered, the one with full wind is not yet out) saccharinum Laciniatum wieri (vigorous established tree, partial shade) There are a couple of sycamores and field maples yet to go, paper bark, Ernest Wilson, pentaphyllum, monspessulanum, macrophyllum, maybe a few more. schneiderianum. But getting pretty close to a full tally here. -E
today maples leafout: caesium Giraldii and pensylvaticum Erytrhocladum,for this year every maples leafout. thanks Emery ciaoooo
Thank you Alex! Interesting that a pensylvaticum Erythro is the last for you, where here the ssp is always first! -E
Alex, Are you sure? it maybe that it is A.xconspicuum ‘Phoenix’ which is a very late leafer instead of A. pensylvanicum ‘Erythrocladum’ which is not, as Emery pointed out. Otherwise since I am here, the last two which are budbreaking today are A.xconspicuum ‘Phoenix’ and A. pentaphyllum. Gomero
A very respectable nurseryman here has mentioned that (in France anyway) there is a lot of confusion between Phoenix and pens. Erythrocladum. His sense was that you might get either buying such a plant here. Of course I think the usual Holland sources are likely to be more reliable... ;) Noticed that shirasawanum Autumn Moon is finally out today. -E
i have two Erythrocladum and one Phoenix and i know the different ;-))) but every year the last maple leafout change ,spring 2008 is griseum x pseudoplatanus .for ex. in my garden the first genus leafout , is liquidambar ,in end march open buds the second is Davidia this spring the Liquidambar are defaulter; i presume because this season is rained ,rained rained.usually in this period the temperature in central Italy are very high (around 24°)and the wind is hot;in 2009 NO!! the air is fresh again !! ciaooo
I find the liquidambars are very late leafers; they are just starting now here (27/4). Davidia is much earlier. Glad you have some cooler temps Alex, the maples must be happy! But you have stolen our rain... although got a nice soaking today, collected over 700l in the tank. -E
We had 4 days of very hot weather and everything leafed out, with Autumn Moon and Kinran just opening now in cooler weather and then Griseum the last, of course. The colors have been great this year, even if they passed a bit more quickly with the heat. At least we got to enjoy the colors with strolls and meals on the terrace over several days.