Hi everyone: Can anyone identify the following plants? The photos were all taken on Burnaby Mountain. So Pictures 1-2 look like Largeleaf aven (geum macrophyllum) to me. And Pictures 3-6 look like Fringecup (tellima grandiflora). But I am uncertain about Pictures 7-16 because they kind of look a bit like both of the above. What makes them more confusing is that within the same plant some leaves would be more rounded but others would be more heart shaped, pointed or lobed. Are these the same species as the plants in either Pictures 1-2 and 3-6, or are these a completely different species? Is there more than 1 species in Pictures 7-16? Thank you, Jason
1 and 2 are Geum, the remaining are all in the Saxifragaceae. I'd guess some combination of Tellima and Tolmeia.
Thank you! These two Saxifragaceae were hard to tell apart at times. The flowers have indeed revealed them to be tellima grandiflora and tolmiea menziesii (see pic).