Identification: 2 Office palm-like & one w/ "painted" leaves

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by skeebypuffer, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. skeebypuffer

    skeebypuffer Member

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    NC, USA
    I went snooping around the forum and I think I have ID'd the first one as a scraggly looking Madagascar Dragon.

    The second one I'm not sure about. It has a cascading form (looking for sunlight?) and the leaves look unreal and painted w/ dark, medium, and light green.

    Thanks for any help guys.

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  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    the first one is dracaena marginata and the second one is aglaonema. i suggest cutting back the dracaena in the spring and repotting it, and for the aglaonema you can cut it back too or just stack it, its not supposed to be a cascading palnt its a upright forming plant. when they get too old and not well pruned they tend to get leggy, you should cut back the aglaonema as well in the spring and repot it and propagate the cuttings in either some water or in a pot with soil and rooting hormone.
  3. skeebypuffer

    skeebypuffer Member

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    NC, USA
    Ah, thanks a lot!

    I already repotted the dracaena because it was in the worst container in the world: a very shallow plastic one with no drainage. Not only that, it was planted to one side, leaving lop-sided roots that give no support. There was a fair amount of root rot, but I think/hope it will do better now that I've got it in better soil and a bigger, better pot.

    The aglaonema has me a bit perplexed...I gave it to my mom, who has a fair assortment of cascading and vine plants. She might protest me pruning it! haha.

    Again, thanks for the speedy reply.

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