2 August 2021 Garlic Harvest

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    2 August 2021 Garlic Harvest
    Posted on August 2, 2021 by Durgan
    There are five rows of 25 in each row to harvest and compare. Consider the bulbils as zero year. When they are grown in year one the result is a Round, single product. When the Round is planted in year two, the result is small bulb of four cloves. When these are planted in the third year the result is almost a normal sized bulb. If the cloves of these bulbs is planted in the fourth year a perfect clone of the garlic that produced the bulbils is the result.

    Why so much effort? Bulbils at the end of scape produce about 150 “seeds”. One bulbil produces one Round. This takes little garden room.
    When the Round is planted, year two, it produces a bulb with about four cloves of a reasonable size.
    When these are planted in year three a normal clone of the bulbil mother is produced. A fourth year may be required depending upon growing conditions.
    The overall result is a new clone basically disease free. And more garlic for sale or consumption.
    Most producers probably consider this too much effort. Garlic has been domesticated for so long that no new garlic is produced.
    https://durgan.org/2021/August%202021/2%20August%202021%20Garlic%20%20Harvest./HTML/ 2 August 2021 Garlic Harvest
    All garlic after second year is excellent if a bit small

    This entry was
  2. Sulev

    Sulev Contributor

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    If my garlic was so green, I'd let it grow some more time. Unfortunately drought did its job and all mu garlic turned yellow few weeks ago. I managed to harvest all before rainy season started, so I hope they stay well over winter.

    I plant only largest and visually disease free cloves, to get decent size harvest.
  3. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    I have found size of planted cloves general has little t0 determines the final size of the end bulb. I generally plant heathy in appearance cloves. Garlic appears to be relatively forgiving. I only grow hard neck.

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