12 September 2021 Concord Grapes Posted on 09/12/2021 by Durgan 12 September 2021 Concord Grapes 12 September 2021 Concord Grapes Twenty five pounds of grapes were obtained. The substrates were mostly removed by swiping across chicken wire mesh screen. It started to rain so I left turning into juice until tomorrow. It requires about 2 pounds of grapes to make liter of slurry juice. I buy more grapes as required from a grower in my area for 22 dollars a bushel. I need about five bushels, pick your own.
13 September 2021 Concord Grapes Processing Posted on 09/13/2021 by Durgan 13 September 2021 Concord Grapes Processing 13 September 2021 Concord Grapes Processing Procesed my garden Concord grapes 25 pounds into 9 liters of pressure juice at 15 PSI for 15 minutes. The grapes were cooked, blended into a slurry, strained through a 2 mm mesh, and pressure canned. The residue was mostly seed fed to birds. About 5 liters of water was added to make the juice drinkable. The end product is a bit tart since the grapes were picked too soon but is acceptable. I visited a commercial grower and he informed me the grapes should be left on the vine for two more weeks to get sweeter. Concord grapes make a pleasant drink.