Biodiversity Heritage Library: 10 Years of BHL Growth and Transformation While Program Director

Discussion in 'Plants: Weblogs of Interest' started by UBC BG RSS Feedreader, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. UBC BG RSS Feedreader

    UBC BG RSS Feedreader Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden

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    This month (April 2022) marks my tenth year as the BHL Program Director. Over the past 10 years, we’ve seen a lot of change -- and a lot of growth -- with the Biodiversity Heritage Library. Taking over from our first Program Director, Tom Garnett, was a daunting challenge. Tom led the initial funding of BHL through the MacArthur Foundation grant with the Encyclopedia of Life and the establishment of BHL as a global consortium. Among my first tasks as BHL Program Director was to build on that legacy with the transition of BHL from a grant funded organization to a member-driven one. Likewise, those first months of my tenure saw the close out of the BHL Europe project (which led to our continued strong European presence) and the planning meetings (and later launch) of BHL Africa.

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