‘New time’ favorites

Discussion in 'Maples' started by MapleMO, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. MapleMO

    MapleMO Contributor 10 Years

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    Kaag en Braassem, Netherlands
    Hi everyone, it is that time again! Time spent in the garden is limited and more time is spent on the internet browsing the (old) threads on the forum and websites of growers, looking for any exciting additions.

    It seems every year a lot of new cultivars are introduced with more and more crazy names (a.p. Fountain of youth, swamp thing etc,). Some do seem really different and new but I was just wondering if you have bought any new additions the last couple of years which really stand out in a positive way and have even become favorites? I love favorite lists btw so if you want to mention those too, please do.

    My collection so far consists mostly of the ‘old time’ favorites as Mikawa, Seiryu, Shishigashira, Koto no ito, sango kaku, pixie and in my opinion, they are for good reason! I do not have many ‘recent’ cultivars but I do really like my little Sensu because of the beautiful leaf form and 3 season interesting colours.

    To make a long story short, next to the old time favorites, which if any, more recent cultivars do you really like and why? Or maybe you have bought one which you thought was going to be different and great but disappointed you? Probably in many cases it is a bit early to tell and it depends on what you already have in your collection, but feel free to give me your suggestions. (Sorry for the long post)..
    Acerholic likes this.
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning M, what a good idea, as far as 2020 goes my new favourites that I purchased this year are Sumner gold and Red wine. Now I know these are not new cultivars but they are for me. Both trees have done exceptionally well through a very hot Summer and produced beautiful colours in the Autumn. I would recommend both to anybody who wants a colourful maple and is going to plant it in a sunny position in their garden. Here are two photos showing their Autumn colours.

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    MapleMO likes this.
  3. MapleMO

    MapleMO Contributor 10 Years

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    Kaag en Braassem, Netherlands
    Good afternoon D @Acerholic thank you for your recommendations, Summer gold was already on my list and Red wine also looks lovely. There are so many cultivars these days, it is difficult to decide as I am only looking to get a few new additions a year, so these recommendations are very helpful!

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