Hello everyone! I am a high school senior working on my final school project that is based on greenhouses and water conservation. If you have any...
Hi, We have what I think must be a Euphorbia Milii. I has just been flowering and has white flowers. It was recently repotted into a dry...
Hi all, I've had two mass canes (same pot) for about 5 years. I re-potted once and had no other issues. About 6 weeks ago the leaves on both were...
Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. I just moved to a condo that doesn't have a garden. I signed up for my local community gardens but it's...
Hi! I live in Oman but I bought a small olive tree in Greece last September. I kept it in the same pot it came. It already came with olives. I...
Hi! I bought a couple Majesty Palms several months ago, which was a poorly researched decision. I didn't transplant them until about a week ago...
Greetings! I am pretty new to plants. Just started growing plants about 6 months ago. I got a tiny rubber plant seedling and I think it was...
hello, I have several scheffleras indoors, the following has happened several times: suddenly a stem starts to wilt (despite being watered when...
We have a new Katsura and a new Magnolia Virginiana. Both are in the 10-12' range. Someone suggested getting those tree bags for them but I can't...