Hello all! Hoping to get some thoughts about a growing problem on the back patio. 12 years ago I built a 10'x10' wooden pergola, sitting atop...
What kind of vine is this and what's the best way to take care of it? I love plants but I haven't had much success growing them typically. I've...
Hello we have discovered the vine malabar spinach. Now I am trying to collect seeds for next season. I saw online that the black balls are the...
Hi We live on a hill in Burnaby facing south. I made a special pergola 4m long 2m tall to grow a green and red grape wine. I put a small rose bush...
I have 6 varieties of Passion Vine. None of which are the palatable fruit varieties, (I don’t think) , and I’m wondering why after hand...
Hi, I raised this honeysuckle from a cutting given to me last year. It is in a large pot. Can someone help identify which species it is? I am...