Vancouver island BC Canada Victoria Grand Flora Evergreen Magnolia tree 3-4 years old Tree was never dense or thick -snow broke off one large...
We live in North Vancouver and have a bay tree. It's about 10 years old and about 3 meters tall. Although the soil is poor and it's in shade for...
Hi all! Which of the two tall leaders, center or center right, would be a more aesthetic choice? If center right, whichooks to be crossing to the...
About 3-4 years ago a hickory and a black walnut sprouted in our garden. I have no idea where the nuts came from, probably a crow brought them....
One of my favourite trees is Fraxinus americana ‘autumn purple’ but I don’t have the space for a mature size tree. I know ash trees are good...
We have a full grown 15 year old Stachyrus Praecox that we love, but we have to move in the next week or so. What is the best way to do this? Can...
My understanding of black knot is that the black turds spread spores during wet periods, and establish themselves either on young shoots, or on...
Hi all! I just bought a house and inherited a few citrus trees out back - tangelo, grapefruit, and lemon. The previous owner who planted them put...
Hello fellow gardeners, This is my first year of caring for roses that had been neglected, I think they are around 3-5 years old. Mostly it's...
Need feedback on intrepid peach tree prune job done in late winter about 2 months before average last frost date. Thanks! I have included a...
Hi All, Fist time posting! I am a new to gardening and just planted 3 young fruit trees and wanted your thoughts on my first planned winter...
Hi all, I have two smoke bushes that I pruned into trees. They've become unwieldy (currently over 15' tall/wide at the top), and I'm looking to...
Howdy! I have a very sparse spindly tree that is the shape of a ginko, with 1 very tall centre leader (8ft) and a few perfectly horizontal...
I have a beautiful little japanese maple that was planted in the spring of 2018... within several months one of the 2 main limbs had completely...
Hey guys, I am new here. I started gardening last season and have been building more and more interest ever since. Being that we're stuck at home...
[ATTACH] I have had this ponytail for about 15 years. I have never cut anything off of it. I have only removed brown leaves. I was wondering if...
We bought a house 3 years ago in the gulf islands with a beautiful established garden that has been a little neglected in recent years. One of...
I observe a small clump of healthy Aspen trees approx 20 feet tall in planted naturescape parking area at the coast - and the tops have been cut...
I have two large Hibiscus syriacus: Aphrodite: 7'h x 8'w (a standard tree form with 4 main ascending branches starting 20" from ground). Red...
I have spoken many times about how pruning Japanese maples over Winter is a bad idea despite many books encouraging such activity. I have found...