I have about 10 liters of open pollenated tatarian maple seed (cultivar "Hot Wings" With conifer seeds, it's pretty standard to soak them, the...
Hello plant friends, How do you normally choose propagation stations? I'm looking to propagate my pothos and I came across these propagation...
developing pods [ATTACH] [ATTACH] seed parent [ATTACH] pollen parent [ATTACH] I attempted pollination on a whim with two phalaenopsis...
Hello we have discovered the vine malabar spinach. Now I am trying to collect seeds for next season. I saw online that the black balls are the...
Thinking ahead to this Autumn, I'd like to propagate a few Black Raspberry plants off the parent plant and give them away. Presently, the canes...
Hello all, I have a pachira aquatica (money tree) with root rot going up to the trunk of all of the several braided sections. I heard it might be...
Hello, I'm trying to propagate Heptacodium miconioides from hardwood cuttings and if anyone has advice on how to succeed I'd appreciate it. I...
Hi. Our ponytail palm grew too tall, so we cut it off and hoped it would re-grow. It did, thankfully, and it looks like this 3 months after the...
I recently ordered two Monstera deliciosa variegata cuttings (albo and Thai constellation). They were quite pricy, but both very large with two...
'Once exotic, rare, and delicate, these orchids have been transformed into a commodity—inexpensive, widely available, and completely familiar.'...