When the Los Angeles wildfires broke out on the morning of 7 January, some of the most dramatic images were of palm trees set ablaze along Sunset...
This Palm keeps pushing out new growth as previous growth matures and dies which is normal I know, but. there are never more than 7 fronds, 4...
I am looking for assistance in identifying the palm leaf represented in this sculpture (held by the upper central female figure). This sculpture...
I planted two pygmy date palms by my pool over a year ago. For the most part, they have been doing very well up until a couple months ago. The...
Can anyone tell what these plants are, they are growing in the "bark" of one of my palm trees. [ATTACH]
Hopefully there's some fellow Texans here. I live southeast of Houston and was researching palms before the freeze last month so now I'm back at...
My small relatively new indoor plant (I think it might be a bamboo palm?) has started going completely dry. It's been placed in the shade of a...
Can someone please help me identify these green seedlike things on my Trachycarpus fortune, they are about 20mm in size
This palm tree was about 4ft when we first moved in about 4 year ago now it’s very tall and this year has flowers or something coming out of the...
Hi, I’d be most grateful for assistance identifying a white-grey, (sort of) fluffy pest that is very hard to rub off two of my indoor palms a...
Hello all, Just bought a house and these palm trees are planted outside. Recently they started turning brown and have this green type of fungus...
Does anyone know where I can buy a Papaya tree or Christmas Palm Tree near Vancouver? Thanks for any help.
Hey guys, I've had this palm tree indoors for the past 6 months now. When I first got it, the leaves were a gorgeous bright green and the tree...
hi guys I need some advice on growing an Areca Palm indoors. I have a bright south facing window that receives lots of light (which I filter...
I need some advice; I have a couple Palms, 2 Windmills and an Unknown species here. Vancouver, BC. One Windmill looks fine and I'm happy with, it...
wcutler submitted a new resource: Outdoor Tropicals Resources | UBC Botanical Garden Forums Links to websites featuring info about and sourcing...