Dyeing with Fungi South Vancouver Island Mycological Society with Ann Harmer December 3, 2020 SVIMS – South Vancouver Island Mycological Society
Humbolt Bay Mycological Society Annual Mushroom Fair November 13 -22 2020 ONLINE 2020 Virtual Mushroom Fair | Humboldt Bay Mycological Society...
Introduction to Mushrooms Online Stanley Park Ecology Society Kent Brothers Thursday November 5, 2020 5:00pm - 6:30pm Intro to Mushrooms (Online)
Fall Mushrooms and their Lookalikes Talk by Leah Bendlin Vancouver Mycological Society - monthly meeting/talk November 10, 2020...
Monthly meeting and talk South Vancouver Island Mycological Society November 5, 2020 ONLINE - Zoom "Phaeocollybia: The Canadian Connection" Dr....
Annual Oregon Truffle Festival Early 2021 Online and In-person portions https://oregontrufflefestival.org/
Introduction to BC Conifers (Online) UBC Botanical Garden November 14 2020 Vancouver Botanical Gardens Association - Activities :...
Cascade Mycological Society Annual Mt Pisgah Mushroom Festival this year ONLINE October 25 2020...
Mushroom ID Clinic Online Nov 29 2020 "We will support community members in identifying mushrooms while encouraging them to report their sightings...
Willoughby Arevalo Talk on book on reliable low cost home-scale techniques for growing your own mushrooms at home. Friday October 23 2020 7pm...
Online mushroom talk Fall Mushroom Hunting Rob McRae West Kootenay Eco-Society October 8, 2020 West Kootenay EcoSociety
Powell River Annual Mushroom Festival October 23 - 25 2020 Powell River - Qathet Region - Tla'amin Territory This year will be online...
Annual Mushroom Show This year online October 17-18, 2020 Puget Sound Mycological Society | Events | Annual Wild Mushroom Show $5 "2020 Virtual...
Toothed Fungi Nature Vancouver With Kent Brothers September 17, 2020 Vancouver (online) Toothed Fungi – Kent Brothers – Nature Vancouver
Magic Mushrooms: A Natural and Cultural History of Magic Mushrooms by Paul Kroeger and Andy MacKinnon Presented by Andy MacKinnon monthly meeting...
(Out of our region yes, but included as it is a special event in the NA mycological community) 40th Annual Telluride Mushroom Festival August 10...
Uculelet Wild Pacific Trail Walk series temporarily replaced by series of short videos including Murder by Mushroom Ucluelet's Wild Pacific...
Mushroom talk September 19, 2020 Selkirk College Online with Robin Mercy Community Education
In lieu of the annual Bioblitz Webinars on fungal diversity and ecosystems Whistler Naturalists June 2020 Recordings here:...
Stanley Park Ecology Society Thursday June 18, 2020 6:00pm - 7:30pm Online session Mushroom Identification Willoughby Arevalo $10-$25 Details:...