hi, i hope everyone is doing well. i am starting some coneflower plants, and i need to bring them inside. i have to go on a vacation in about 5...
Hello plant lovers, My friend and neighbour has just discovered an infestation in her plants. She has provided the following pics, and says these...
Hello, I am new to having a Meyer lemon tree. I got this one about a month ago. It was doing great but some problems arose approx. two weeks ago....
Yes, I really have a lot of problems and questions with my plants... I've noticed this strange patch in some of my young Flapjacks' leaves and...
This is my 2 year old jade plant. Unfortunately, I have no idea what this brown scale-like infection is... I'm thinking fungal especially with the...
Hi All, I am a long term lurker. I'm a maple enthusiast in Baltimore, MD. I recently moved and foolishly did not remove leaf litter or change...
I have a pine tree - I think it's a Jack Pine because there are two needles to each bunch - in a large container on my roof garden. I grew it from...