hello! i hope your all doing well. i was wondering how i should start growing mushrooms. i have a small garden and i was wondering if i could mix...
Hello. Hope everyone here is doing well. I live on vancouver island. I want to grow blue oyster mushrooms in my garden. I know golden oysters are...
Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Big Backyard BioBlitz August 3-7, 2023 “Join thousands of newbies and seasoned BioBlitzers across the country in...
3rd Annual CanFunNet Fungal Biology Conference June 1-3, 2022 Alberta / Online Theme: Fungi at the Crossroads of Health and Ecosystems CanFunNet...
May 26-28, 2021 ONLINE The Joint CanFun Net and Great Lakes Mycology Conference The Joint CanFunNet and Great Lakes Mycology Conference Canadian...
Canadians: If you have not yet voted for Canada's National Lichen, a reminder that the deadline is March 20, just two more days (Vote Bryoria!)....
Information and voting link here (March 20 2020 deadline): Appreciation: - Vote for Canada's National Lichen!
Calling all Canadians: Please help us celebrate some of the smallest and most excellent things in Canada's biodiversity: Please vote for the...
i notice that these forums have guests from both sides of the Cascadia border and beyond I am curious how the Agric Canada zones compare to USDA...
I saw this indoor plant in Jamaica and have tried to find it in Canada with no success. Would anyone be able to identify it by its botanical...
My guesses are: 1) Rattlesnake Plantain, 2) Deer Fern, 3) no idea (referring to the dainty white flowered plant) 4) no idea, and 5) Bunchberry....
Hello it took me three years to grow agapanthus from one plant one flowerd three years ago to now six flowers. All in one clay pot spending winter...
I picked these two palms up in good health downtown Vancouver they stood on the lawn at a friend's building the manager of the building wanted...
I would be willing to trade tree seeds. Interested in seed from pinus albicaulus and Larix lyallii as well as quercus macrocarpa, acer rubrum and...