When you mouse over or click this user iconin the upper right corner of the page, this menu of Options appears:
All of these headings have pages for information for you to fill in or options for you to set. The list is below. You will find some of the options on more than one page.
Personal Details
The very most important thing on this page is Location. Particularly if you want a plant identification, it is a big help to the people who would reply to know where you are. Skip your street address, but put in the nearest City, State or Province if appropriate, and Country if the city is not likely to be recognized by most viewers. If you edit this setting after you make some postings, the change will automatically appear on all your postings, even the ones you already made.
Check the page for other details. You can set your Avatar on this page.
You may enter a signature that will display below all of your postings.
Contact Details
You can set your email address, who may contact you, and your identity on some other sites.
The settings here concern what groups of people can see what details about you.
Set your time zone here if you are not in the same zone as UBC Botanical Garden. Check out the default settings for a variety of things: what you will be notified about, some formatting, whether your online status and activity should be available to others. Have a look. If you would prefer to see the postings in all the threads displayed from newest to oldest, instead of the default oldest to newest, you can set that on this page.
Alert Preferences
You can select what you want to show up in that Alert area at the upper right corner of your screen, next to your user name.
This is the picture that appears next to your user name to the left of all your postings. You may upload your own photo. Most people on this forum seem to choose plants rather than a photo of themselves, but there is not a rule about that. The Systems Administrator reserves the right to ask you to change your avatar.
You can change your password here.
Your News Feed
See People You Follow. Your News Feed contains posts made by the people you follow.
You may contact people directly, and only the people you invite to the conversation will see the notes. You can add people to the conversation at any time. Here is where you can start a conversation and find the conversations you have been involved in. All the conversations are "threaded" so all notes in a single conversation are displayed, ones you sent and ones you received. Clicking this is the same as clicking Inbox next to your user name in the upper right corner of the page.
Here is where you can set what you will see in the Alerts drop-down in the upper right corner of the page, next to your user name and Inbox.
Likes You've Received
This lists your postings on which someone has clicked the Like button, and it shows who liked that posting.
Your Content
Here is where you can find all your postings.
People You Follow
See Your News Feed. You can Follow people by entering their user name at the bottom of this screen. It lists the people you follow, and has an Unfollow button so you can change your mind. Postings made by people you follow show up in Your News Feed.
People You Ignore
If you really do not want to read postings by certain users, you can enter their user names here. Doing this might make some threads difficult to follow. I made up this explanation, need to check this - maybe you just don't get notified of their postings but will still see them?
Two-Step Verification
Join User Groups
There are a very few on-line groups with some benefits to membership. You can click this to see what's available and whether they are available to you or appropriate for you.
Show online status
This is a check-box right on the Options window. If an X is in the box, when someone clicks your user name or Avatar, included in the profile pop-up is a comment about your current activity. As an example, my profile showed, when I wrote this:
wcutler was last seen: Viewing thread West End / Stanley Park, 3 minutes agoYou can untick this box if you do not want people to know what you've been up to.
Log Out
If you Log Out, next time you visit, you will have to Log In. If you are using a shared computer, then do log out.

You have Options - customize your experience
How to set profile information, customize your viewing options, set what people can see about you