The berry like fruits are now all hanging on the tree and are soft. Do I wait after they turn yellow and fall onto the ground then remove the...
How can I tell if they are male varieties or not? Yes, Chinese and Japanese do eat them and they are good for health, I supposed. Will the...
A friend of mine just moved to a house that has a gingko tree. It now has a lot of green fruits. Can anyone please tell me if these fruits are...
Terrential Man: Thanks for your suggestion. I have not found a tree yet. Friend of mine suggested Australian Brush Cherry, pineapple guava,...
I checked the plant again this morning before work and I also found sap/honeydew on the surface of one leaf, in addition to those on the edges and...
Hermann: I don't know if they are saps or honeydew. I repotted it (from a clay pot to a plastic one) when I got it 3 months ago with soil I...
Will the same sap situation happen again every time I water it? I think I found some little black spots on the back of the leaves and I cleaned...
Dear L. Plant: Thanks for the reply. I will look again to see if I find the scale insects. If I do find them, do I spray something to get...
Hello... Hope someone out there can give me some suggestions. I live in San Francisco, California and moved to a new place with a bare...
I am new to this forum and need help with my dumb cane. A friend gave me a 5 feet tall dumb cane and I find saps on both the tips and the edges...