I may be moving to zone 7a and have not been able to find a good vegetable planting guide. Does anyone know where I can find online information...
Ha- sounds like we all have strong celery! I will definitely grow this type of celery again, as the bland ones from the store won't cut it for me...
This is also caused by lack of pollination and by soils depleted of nutrients. I've had great cucumbers, but others on the same vine have been...
Hello, First, have you grown corn before and NOT had this happen, or is this unusual? How long has it been since you sowed your corn? We grew...
It's my understanding that pea plants provide nitrogen to the soil, and that spinach thrives on nitrogen. It'll thrive if you plant the spinach...
I grew my celery from seed on May 30th, after our last frost. We now have several celery plants with very strong flavor (very salty!). We used the...
We are growing both purple basil and sweet green basil. We like basil because it is versatile. We've used the green basil for homemade pizza,...
Thank you so much for this information!! We will put some extra soil in there.
My cucumber plant has produced some nice cucumbers, but soon after the first harvest, the leaves are getting large yellow splotches and then turn...
Our corn plants are sturdy and healthy. This week the largest one has tassels. But the base of it has these strange root-like tentacles. Does this...
gfixler: You are right: "weed" is often used to describe a plant that people don't want. Some people say that weeds are those plants that take...
Well, it's a pretty leaf, but the lobes don't look alike, actually (sorry!) I don't know what variety of lettuce it is but the red and green...