Acer palmatum d. Inaba shidare Here is a Inaba shidare that is about 35-40 years old in my front yard on the left and a Acer p. Wou nishiki on...
Acer palmatum d. Tamukeyama Here is a Tamukeyama with a Sekimori down lower. This is the color I get at the 3000 foot elevation in Northern...
Here is a Katsura that I had in my greenhouse because it usually leaves out first and gets damaged by hail if it is left outside.
Here is a couple of pictures taken with my Nokia 3650 camera phone of my A. palmatum Mikawa yatsubusa yesterday (4-22-04). It was a little windy...
I've heard of a snakebark maple but not a snaketree maple Did you put this snake in the tree or did you even know it was in there when you took...
This is a cross that I have been working on for over 10 years to come up with. On the left is in the Spring time and on the right is in the Fall.
About Dwarf Sango Kaku If you are looking for the best dwarf form of a Sango Kaku you want a Aka kawa hime. From my experience the Fjellheim is...