I am very interested in North American native hibiscus and am have difficulty in finding information about Hibiscus palustris and incanus. I know...
Looking at the Flora of North American key for Zephyranthes. The first key says either Stigma capitate or Stigma 3-fid. Fairly sure I understand...
That's it Eriogonum longifolium var. longifolium. Thanks a lot.
Photos taken in August
I believe you are correct. Thank you very much. I have been having a hard time with this one.
Need an ID on this interesting flower I found blooming in South East Texas in August.
Just to update this. I am considering this one confirmed. The only flower close-ups I had were the ones posted here which show 8 petals. I decided...
Well I just did a little more reading and Ludwigia leptocarpa is supposed to have 5 to 6 petals and the one I posted has 8, so that can't be it.
Wow! That was fast, thanks.
I found this growing in a ditch. It was about 6ft in height. My first though is some sort of Ludwigia but I haven't been able to find one that...