I often see "free draining" but when it rains every day for months during the winter, I am not quite sure what that means.
I live near UBC. Near Lord Byng High School to be more precise. Years ago - too many years ago - I planed two amaryllis belladonnas. I ignored...
Any sentient being can get Amaryllis to bloom. Hundreds of articles say how to do it and they all agree on the (simple) process. I have been...
Years ago I planted some iris rhizomes in an area about 1 m x .5m If I recall correctly, some irises bloomed at first but for some years nothing...
I have the ladder but the tree has obstacles around it that make it tough to use effectively. I have thought of trying the basket harvester and I...
There must be dozens if not hundreds of web sites with the information that I seek but for some reason I can't find any. Long ago I bought an...
I take Groucho Marx's approach to clubs but I may follow your suggestion.
I have several day lilies in an area that does get enough light for them. Every year they produce a few flowers each and then languish. If SWMBO...
The grass on the right has, until today, been under my (movable) picnic table for a few months of rain and cold weather; the grass on the left has...