Interesting, thanks! Are they harmful at all to the plant? Do they stay in the pots, or do they roam around the house?
I have a fig tree indoors for the winter and I noticed on most of the leaves, there appeared this really fine web like structure all around the...
I have a cucumber plant (pickling variety) that has only female flowers with cucumbers attached. There are no male flowers at all. One thing I...
Does anyone know what this plant is that growing among the grass? It's very low growing, stays very close to the ground and there is a lot of it...
I found out what this was. This is a Boxwood and it has been eaten by the Boxwood tree moth larvae (Cydalima perspectalis). I think it's too far...
Could be it is retaining too much moisture. I had the same experience as you described with some herbs I was trying to grow (rosemary, basil) It...
I have this small shrub which was so healthy in the spring as well as all the years I have had it. Then all of a sudden about a month ago we...
Hello, I have a Jasmine houseplant (although this summer we have kept it outdoors) , I think it looks like Jasmine Officinale. It looked fine...
Hold on, the tag it came with says perennial. Doesn't that mean it will come up every year beyond two years?
The reason I ask was not for elimination. I purchased a perennial variety at local nursery (Arctic Fox Rose) and the spot I chose to plant it is...